North-West Public Health Research Center
Federal Service of Russian Feferation for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing
Founded in 1924
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International collaboration
Projects & Publications
Arctic environmental health
> Ethnographic study of the traditional cuisine of indigenous people of Chukotka in the context of the impact of natural conditions and environmental factors, 2015-2017
Ethnographic study of the traditional cuisine of indigenous people of Chukotka in the context of the impact of natural conditions and environmental factors, 2015-2017
To be announced..
Projects & Publications
Arctic environmental health
Environmental pollution in Murmansk oblast and population health, 1998-2003
Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS), Food Security and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North, 2001-2016
Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants under the Stockholm Convention. First Regional Monitoring Report on Central and Eastern European and Central Asian Region. 2008
AMAP Assessment Report “Human health in the Arctic — 2009”
AMAP Assessment Report “Arctic Pollution — 2009”
AMAP Assessment Report “Arctic Pollution — 2011”
AMAP Assessment Report “Mercury in the Arctic — 2011”
Occupational health and occupational accidents in the Russian Arctic, 2010-2011
Health and Cancer in Chukotka, 2010-2011
Food and water security in the context of health in the Arctic, 2012-2013
AMAP Assessment Report “Human health in the Arctic — 2015”
Food and health security in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border region, 2013-2016
Ethnographic study of the traditional cuisine of indigenous people of Chukotka in the context of the impact of natural conditions and environmental factors, 2015-2017
Occupational health
Welders’ health
Miners’ health
Reproductive Health on Kola Peninsula
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