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  • > Новости > The North-West Public Health Center is planning to organize and hold the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Health Maintenance and Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being Provision of Arctic Population” on October 19-20, 2023 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The North-West Public Health Center is planning to organize and hold the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Health Maintenance and Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being Provision of Arctic Population” on October 19-20, 2023 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The North-West Public Health Center is planning to organize and hold the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Health Maintenance and Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-being Provision of Arctic Population” on October 19-20, 2023 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Actual website of conference https://arcticahealth.ru/

The following issues are supposed to be discussed at the conference in an on-line format:

  1. Provision of sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing in the area of Arctic settlements.
  2. Working environment hygiene and occupational medicine in the Arctic.
  3. Arctic population health status and disease prevention: medical and demographic indicators; infectious and parasitic disease incidence; natural focal and zooanthroponic infections; maternal and child health; cancer incidence; medical and social problems (“external” causes of death, suicides, alcohol and drug addiction, chemical abuse);
  4. Health and ethnic- and -cultural development of indigenous small ethnic communities of the North, their native human environment and traditional lifestyle protection.
  5. Characteristics of communal infrastructure, modern amenities of settlements, waste disposal, heating/water supply/water disposal in the Arctic – and ways of problem solving.
  6. International Arctic collaboration in the field of health protection and sanitary-hygienic well-being provision in the Arctic.
  7. Organization of social and hygienic monitoring in the Arctic area.

I invite you to take part in this online conference. If you intend to participate, please inform us before  July 1, 2023. Contact address: arctic.health@s-znc.ru

The North-West Public Health Research Center (NWPHRC) was established in 1924, as Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Diseases. Over the past century NWPHRC has made a significant contribution to the implementation and development of national (and international) hygienic science, and today it is, undoubtedly, one of the leading hygienic institutions of the country.

NWPHRC carries out comprehensive environmental hygiene expeditionary studies in various regions of Russian Arctic (from Kola Peninsula to Chukotka), actively cooperating with foreign partners.

The main areas of scientific research of the NWPHRC in the Arctic are: environmental hygiene and epidemiology, hygienic assessment of working conditions and occupational disease incidence among industrial workers, local food and water safety, cancer epidemiology, ecotoxicology of persistent toxic substances (PTS), assessment of contaminant exposure (of global and local origin), their health effects and health risks, development of measures to reduce environmental pollution of Arctic areas and to minimize the impact  of harmful environmental factors on population health, including indigenous peoples. NWPHRC has got a branch in Kirovsk city of Murmansk region.

Invitation letter 

Actual website of conference

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